butterfly rose oldham

Butterfly Rose Oldham, Biography, Height, Age, Career, Net Worth


Meet Butterfly Rose Oldham, an energetic soul who epitomizes the substance of effortlessness and assurance. At 25 years youthful, she’s as of now causing disturbances in both her expert and individual circles, all while conveying the heaviness of an eminent genealogy on her shoulders.

Naturally introduced to the distinguished group of acclaimed American entertainer Kimberly Elise and Maurice Oldham, Butterfly Rose has forever been bound to succeed sooner or later. However, she’s cut her own one of a kind way, unmistakable from the spotlight of her praised guardians. Close by her kin AjaBleu Oldham, she embraces her legacy with satisfaction, drawing strength from the tradition of her grandparents Marvin Hamper, Erma Jean Johnson Encumber, Mamie Oldham, and Maurice Clifton Oldham.

In her job as a promoting supervisor at Bernstein Monetary Administrations Inc., Butterfly Rose grandstands her ability past her family’s popularity. With a sharp eye for procedure and an energy for development, she explores the corporate scene with artfulness, demonstrating that she’s something other than a well known last name.

However, it’s not just about ascending the company pecking order for Butterfly Rose. She’s a genuine local area champion, devoting her significant investment to makes close her heart. Her inclusion with the Social Asset Community (CRF) at Humboldt State College says a lot about her obligation to social and social change. Whether she’s supporting for inclusivity or advocating variety, Butterfly Rose is consistently at the very front of positive change.

Be that as it may, her process isn’t just about proficient achievement and local area administration; it’s additionally about self-awareness and satisfaction. Through the ups and downs of life, Butterfly Rose stays unfaltering in her quest for credibility and reason. Her story is a demonstration of the force of versatility and the excellence of embracing one’s actual self.

In the embroidery of her life, Butterfly Rose Oldham arises as an encouraging sign, an image of solidarity, and an update that significance exists in every one of us, ready to be released.

Butterfly Rose Oldham Biography

Butterfly Rose Oldham, or basically Butterfly Oldham to the people who know her well, graced the world with her presence on a fresh October day in 1998, in the energetic heart of Los Angeles, California. Her foundations run somewhere down in the dirt of American legacy, yet her hug of her African-American roots adds a beautiful layer to her personality, forming her into the noteworthy individual she is today. At 25, starting around 2023, Butterfly’s process unfurls directed by her steadfast confidence in Christianity and the trademark equilibrium and elegance of her Libra zodiac sign.

Settled in the texture of the US, Butterfly stands tall as a guide of solidarity, flexibility, and validness. Gladly recognizing as female and embracing her straight sexual direction, she emanates certainty and pride in each step she takes. Her story is one of fortitude, assurance, and resolute confidence as she explores life’s unusual territory with balance and reason.

In reality as we know it where congruity frequently rules, Butterfly’s steadfast soul radiates brilliantly, enlightening the way for others to follow. With each challenge she faces, she arises more grounded, her purpose steady, and her soul unstoppable. Her process is a demonstration of the force of versatility, the excellence of credibility, and the victory of the human soul.

As Butterfly Oldham keeps on cutting her way through life’s maze, she does as such with a feeling of direction and energy that motivates all who have the honor of knowing her. In her, we track down a young lady, however a directing light — an update that genuine significance lies in remaining consistent with oneself, regardless of the chances.

Profile Summary Of Butterfly Rose Oldham

Full/Real nameButterfly Rose Oldham
Nick/Popular nameButterfly Oldham
Birth dateOctober 19, 1998
BirthplaceLos Angeles, California, USA
Current ResidencyUnited States of America
Age (As of 2023)25 years old
Zodiac SignLibra
Sexual OrientationStraight
FatherMaurice Oldham
MotherKimberly Elise
GrandparentsMarvin Trammel, Erma Jean Johnson Trammel, Mamie Oldham, Maurice Clifton Oldham
SiblingsAjaBleu Oldham
Marital statusIn a Relationship
SpouseKashan Jabari Fields
Famous ForKimberly Elise’s Daughter
ProfessionMarketing Manager

Butterfly Rose Oldham’s Early Life

Butterfly Rose Oldham, brought into the world on October 19, 1998, in the lively city of Los Angeles, California, arose as the most youthful little girl of the regarded entertainer Kimberly Elise and Maurice Clifton Oldham. Growing up in the midst of the clamoring energy of media outlets, Butterfly Rose was wrapped in a universe of imagination and culture right from her earliest days. With her senior sister, AjaBleu, close by, she navigated the powerful roads of LA, submerged in the excitement and style that characterized her family’s calling.

Gladly embracing her Afro-American legacy, Butterfly Rose left on a significant excursion of instruction and self-revelation. Her hunger for information exceeded all logical limitations, driving her on undertakings crossing across the globe — from the memorable cobblestone paths of Paris to the clamoring roads of Manhattan. At the College of Paris and later at The New School, she dove into the profundities of the scholarly world, supporting her mind and powering her energy for learning. Each experience turned into a venturing stone, preparing for a future overflowing with commitment and probability.

Directed by the steadfast love and backing of her folks, Butterfly Rose moved toward existence with a vast feeling of interest and marvel. With each new day came a new chance to investigate, to find, and to make some meaningful difference upon the world. Her excursion, molded by the rich embroidery of her childhood, is a demonstration of the influence of strength, the excellence of variety, and the boundless possible that exists in all of us.

Butterfly Rose Oldham Height, Weight And Other Features

Remaining at an unobtrusive 5 feet 3 inches tall and tipping the scales at 50 kilograms, Butterfly Oldham typifies a sensitive yet unflinching presence. Her dim earthy colored eyes, overflowing with warmth and profundity, act as windows to her spirit, while her shiny dark hair approaches her face with a dash of tastefulness and charm. These actual characteristics, joined with her natural beauty and appeal, add to her one of a kind and individualistic style, intensifying her general presence any place she goes. With each step she takes, Butterfly Oldham radiates certainty and balance, having a permanent impact on those lucky enough to cross her way.

Height5’3″ (160 cm)
Weight50 kg (110.231 lbs)
Eye ColorDark Brown
Hair ColorBlack

Kimberly Elise: Butterfly Rose Oldham’s Mother

Kimberly Elise Encumber, brought into the world on April 17, 1967, in the lively city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, has without a doubt made a permanent imprint on the American film and media business. Her excursion as a commended entertainer is a demonstration of her ability, commitment, and sheer energy for her specialty. It was her leading edge job in the 1996 film “Set It Off” that impelled her into the spotlight, enrapturing crowds with her crude inclination and obvious ability. From that point forward, Kimberly Elise has kept on charming crowds with her convincing exhibitions, gaining basic approval and appreciation from her friends en route.

One of her most striking jobs came in the film “Dearest,” where she displayed her tremendous ability and flexibility, further setting her status as a regarded figure in Hollywood. However, in the midst of her expert achievement, Kimberly Elise finds her most prominent bliss in her job as a mother to her two youngsters, Butterfly Rose Oldham and AjaBleu Oldham. Brought up in a sustaining and strong climate by her own folks, Erma Jean Johnson Encumber and Marvin Hamper, Kimberly Elise exemplifies beauty and strength both on and off the screen.

Past her on-screen persona, Kimberly Elise broadens her impact through virtual entertainment stages like Instagram, where she interfaces with her crowd on a more profound level, offering bits of knowledge into her life and profession while encouraging certified associations with her devotees. Her presence in media outlets rises above simple exhibitions; it’s a demonstration of her resolute obligation to her art and her getting through influence on everyone around her. Kimberly Elise’s inheritance will without a doubt proceed to rouse and reverberate with crowds for a long time into the future.

Maurice Oldham: Butterfly Rose Oldham’s Father

Maurice Oldham, brought into the world on December 30, 1958, in the beautiful town of Princeton, New Jersey, was something other than a skilled photographic artist — he was a visionary who made a permanent imprint on media outlets. While he might be most popular as the ex of the prestigious entertainer Kimberly Elise, Maurice’s actual inheritance lies in his dominance behind the focal point, where his work said a lot with profundity and imaginativeness.

All through his profession, Maurice Oldham’s photography caught the actual embodiment of his subjects, imbuing each picture with a remarkable mix of feeling and imagination. His commitments to remarkable film projects, for example, “Lady Thou Craftsmanship Loosed” (2004) and “A Person Strolls Into a Bar” (1997), displayed his unrivaled inventive vision and left an enduring effect on all who encountered his work.

Unfortunately, Maurice Oldham’s life was stopped very soon, when he died on May 21, 2007, in the clamoring city of Los Angeles, California, USA. Regardless of the inconvenient idea of his passing, Maurice’s inheritance keeps on persevering through his photography and his significant effect on media outlets. He is recollected for his imaginative gifts as well as for his job as a caring dad to his kids, including his girl Butterfly Rose Oldham. From his perspective and his life, Maurice Oldham’s soul lives on, rousing incalculable others to seek after their interests and make history.

Butterfly Rose Oldham’s Parents’ Relationship

Kimberly Elise and Maurice Oldham’s relationship was a critical part in both of their lives, set apart by ups and downs that eventually molded their singular processes. Their association started with marriage in 1989, an association that gave them both pleasure and satisfaction, especially with the appearance of their two girls in 1990 and 1998.

Notwithstanding, in the same way as other connections, theirs confronted its portion of difficulties, prompting their possible separation in 2005. The explanations for their choice to head out in different directions stay private, adding a layer of secret to their story and regarding their requirement for protection in the midst of public examination.

Sadly, Maurice Oldham’s life was stopped by his passing in 2007, following their separation. Regardless of the aggravation of misfortune and the difficulties they looked in their relationship, Kimberly Elise exhibited momentous strength and flexibility as she explored through life’s hardships.

In the fallout of their detachment, Kimberly Elise kept on moving forward in her life and profession in media outlets, encapsulating effortlessness and assurance even with affliction. En route, she left on different connections, incorporating one with entertainer Shemar Moore from 2004 to 2005, as she set out on an excursion of self-revelation and development in both love and life.

Through everything, Kimberly Elise’s steadfast soul fills in as a demonstration of the force of flexibility and the excellence of embracing life’s difficulties with effortlessness and respect. Her excursion, set apart by adoration, misfortune, and individual victories, is an indication of the strength that exists in every one of us to beat life’s snags and arise more grounded on the opposite side.

Butterfly Rose Oldham’s Career

Butterfly Rose Oldham’s profession process is a demonstration of her faithful devotion and tireless obligation to greatness. In her job as a promoting director at Bernstein Monetary Administrations Inc., she delivers an abundance of skill and an essential outlook to drive the organization’s drives forward. Through her inventive techniques and sharp understanding, she actually advances the association’s administrations while cultivating development and achievement.

Preceding her residency at Bernstein Monetary Administrations Inc., Butterfly Rose sharpened her showcasing discernment at Kimberly Elise Regular Residing, where she assumed an instrumental part in forming the brand’s direction. Her inventive methodologies and imaginative vision contributed altogether to the brand’s development and advancement, leaving a getting through influence on its prosperity.

In any case, Butterfly Rose’s commitments reach out a long ways past the meeting room. She is well established locally, as confirmed by her dynamic contribution with Humboldt Express College’s Social Asset Place (CRF). Through her commitment to social enhancement and local area commitment, she makes a permanent imprint on people around her, motivating positive change and cultivating significant associations.

Butterfly Rose’s profession process is an impression of her persistence, drive, and enduring obligation to greatness. Whether in the expert domain or the local area circle, she keeps on exhibiting her capacity to succeed and have an enduring effect, filling in as a motivation to all who have the honor of working close by her.

Butterfly Rose Oldham Net Worth

While Butterfly Rose Oldham decides to keep her total assets hidden, her mom, Kimberly Elise, has without a doubt had a huge effect in media outlets, hoarding an expected total assets of around $2 million starting around 2023. This figure is a demonstration of Kimberly Elise’s distinguished acting vocation, which has traversed many years and incorporates a different cluster of essential jobs. Regardless of the inborn difficulties of the business, Kimberly Elise has stayed unfaltering in her devotion to her specialty, leaving a getting through inheritance that rises above the cinema.

As Butterfly Rose outlines her own proficient course, her mom’s prosperity fills in as both motivation and inspiration. However her own total assets may not be openly unveiled, Butterfly Rose’s obligation to her vocation and her dynamic contribution locally indicate a promising future ahead. Her job as a showcasing supervisor at Bernstein Monetary Administrations Inc., combined with her past commitments at Kimberly Elise Regular Living, highlights her unfaltering devotion and head to succeed in all tries she seeks after.

In thinking about Butterfly Rose’s excursion, we are reminded that genuine progress isn’t exclusively estimated by abundance, yet additionally by the positive effect we make on our general surroundings. As she keeps on cutting her way sincerely and elegance, Butterfly Rose Oldham remains as a brilliant illustration of strength, desire, and the endless possible that exists in every one of us.

Facts about Butterfly Rose Oldham:

  • Complete Name: Butterfly Rose Oldham
  • Moniker: Butterfly Oldham
  • Birth Date: October 19, 1998
  • Origination: Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Identity: American
  • Mature (Starting around 2023): 25 years of age
  • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  • Identity: African-American
  • Calling: Showcasing Director
  • Guardians: Kimberly Elise (mother) and Maurice Clifton Oldham (father)
  • Kin: AjaBleu Oldham
  • Relationship Status: In a Relationship with Kashan Jabari Fields
  • Conjugal Status: Unmarried
  • Youngsters: None

Summary of Butterfly Rose Oldham’s Life:

Butterfly Rose Oldham, brought into the world on October 19, 1998, in Los Angeles, California, USA, is a 25-year-old American promoting director of African-American nationality. She is the girl of acclaimed entertainer Kimberly Elise and Maurice Clifton Oldham and has a kin named AjaBleu Oldham. Butterfly Rose is profoundly taken part in her expert vocation, filling in as a promoting supervisor at Bernstein Monetary Administrations Inc. Her obligation to her profession is matched by her devotion to local area contribution, as shown by her dynamic support in Humboldt Express College’s Social Asset Community (CRF). Butterfly Rose’s process is portrayed by strength, desire, and a solid feeling of direction.


What is Butterfly Rose Oldham’s calling?

Butterfly Rose Oldham is a promoting chief at Bernstein Monetary Administrations Inc.

Who are Butterfly Rose Oldham’s folks?

Butterfly Rose Oldham’s mom is the acclaimed entertainer Kimberly Elise, and her dad is Maurice Clifton Oldham.

Does Butterfly Rose Oldham have any kin?

Indeed, Butterfly Rose Oldham has a kin named AjaBleu Oldham.

Is Butterfly Rose Oldham wedded?

No, Butterfly Rose Oldham isn’t hitched, yet she is in that frame of mind with Kashan Jabari Fields.

Does Butterfly Rose Oldham have kids?

No, Butterfly Rose Oldham has no youngsters.

Where was Butterfly Rose Oldham conceived?

Butterfly Rose Oldham was brought into the world in Los Angeles, California, USA, on October 19, 1998.

What is Butterfly Rose Oldham’s identity?

Butterfly Rose Oldham is of African-American nationality.

How old is Butterfly Rose Oldham?

Starting around 2023, Butterfly Rose Oldham is 25 years of age.

What is Butterfly Rose Oldham’s zodiac sign?

Butterfly Rose Oldham’s zodiac sign is Libra, as she was brought into the world on October nineteenth.

What is Butterfly Rose Oldham’s contribution locally?

Butterfly Rose Oldham is effectively associated with Humboldt Express College’s Social Asset Place (CRF), exhibiting her obligation to social enhancement and local area commitment.

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