rejected septum piercing

Septum Piercing Rejection: Spotting It and What’s Next?

If you’re considering a septum piercing or already flaunting one, you might be aware of the excitement and trepidation that accompanies this bold choice. Septum piercings have gained immense popularity for their edgy look and the individuality they represent. However, while they can be a statement of style, sometimes they don’t heal as perfectly as we’d hope. One potential issue is piercing rejection, which can turn a trendsetting accessory into a frustrating problem. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what piercing rejection is, why it happens, how to identify it, and most importantly, how to address and prevent it.

What is Piercing Rejection?

Piercing rejection occurs when your body begins to push out the jewelry from a newly made hole in your skin. This happens because your body recognizes the piercing as a foreign object and attempts to expel it. Unlike a piercing that is simply infected or irritated, rejection is a process where the body actively works against the piercing, causing it to migrate closer to the surface or even come out completely. It can be distressing to witness, but understanding the signs and taking timely action can help manage the situation.

Why Does Rejection Happen?

Several factors contribute to piercing rejection, each related to the body’s reaction to the piercing and the conditions in which it is kept. Here are some common reasons why rejection might occur:

  1. Body Chemistry: Everyone’s body reacts differently to foreign objects. Some people’s immune systems might be more inclined to reject piercings due to their unique body chemistry.
  2. Poor Jewellery Material: Jewelry made from low-quality materials can cause irritation and rejection. Metals like nickel or brass are known culprits. Always opt for high-quality, hypoallergenic materials.
  3. Wrong Piercing Placement: If the piercing is not placed correctly or in a spot where the skin is too thin, it can be more prone to rejection. Proper placement is crucial for the piercing’s success.
  4. Infection or Trauma: If the piercing becomes infected or experiences trauma, it can increase the likelihood of rejection. Infections and physical damage can trigger the body’s defense mechanisms, pushing the jewelry out.

Signs of a Rejecting Septum Piercing

Recognizing the signs of rejection early can help you take appropriate measures to mitigate the problem. Look out for the following indicators:

  1. Severe Migration: If the piercing appears to be moving from its original location, it could be a sign of rejection. Migration is when the piercing starts to shift closer to the surface.
  2. Redness and Swelling: While some redness and swelling are normal during the initial healing period, persistent and severe symptoms may indicate rejection.
  3. Skin Thinning: As the body tries to push out the piercing, you might notice that the skin around it becomes thin, and the jewelry starts to show through.
  4. Discharge: Abnormal discharge from the piercing, especially if it’s green or yellow and has a foul odor, could indicate an infection or rejection.
  5. Pain and Tenderness: Increased pain or tenderness around the piercing site, especially if it worsens over time, is a sign that something might be wrong.

What to Do If Your Septum Piercing is Rejecting

If you suspect your septum piercing is rejecting, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to manage the situation and potentially save your piercing:

  1. Consult a Professional Piercer: Your first step should be to seek advice from a professional piercer. They can examine the piercing and provide guidance on whether it is indeed rejecting and how to proceed.
  2. Consider Removing the Jewellery: In cases of severe rejection, removing the jewelry might be necessary to prevent further damage and scarring. This decision should be made in consultation with your piercer.
  3. Treat Any Infection: If an infection is present, it’s crucial to treat it promptly. Your piercer or healthcare professional can recommend appropriate treatments, such as antiseptic solutions or antibiotics, to address the infection.
  4. Switch to Hypoallergenic Jewellery: If your current jewelry is contributing to the problem, switching to hypoallergenic materials like titanium or niobium can reduce irritation and improve healing.
  5. Maintain Good Hygiene: Keeping the piercing clean is essential. Use a saline solution to clean the area and avoid introducing any bacteria that could exacerbate the problem. Proper hygiene helps prevent infections and supports healing.
  6. Be Patient and Gentle: Healing takes time. Avoid any unnecessary trauma or pressure on the piercing and follow your piercer’s aftercare instructions meticulously to support proper healing.

Preventing Piercing Rejection

Preventing rejection is key to ensuring your septum piercing remains a stylish and trouble-free accessory. Here are some proactive steps to help you avoid rejection:

  1. Choose a Reputable Piercer: Ensure that you go to a professional and reputable piercer who has experience with septum piercings. They will be able to place the piercing correctly and use high-quality materials.
  2. Opt for High-Quality Jewellery: Invest in jewelry made from high-quality materials. Surgical steel, titanium, and niobium are excellent choices as they are less likely to cause irritation and rejection.
  3. Avoid Trauma: Minimize any potential trauma to the piercing. Be careful when changing clothes, engaging in sports, or doing activities that could knock or tug on the piercing.
  4. Monitor Your Piercing: Regularly check your piercing, especially during the healing process. Address any signs of irritation or infection early to prevent them from escalating.
  5. Maintain Good Overall Health: Your overall health can impact how well your piercing heals. Eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and get adequate rest to support your body’s healing process.

When to Re-Pierce

If you’ve had to remove a rejecting septum piercing, you might be eager to try again. Here’s how to approach re-piercing:

  1. Allow Full Healing: Before re-piercing, ensure that your nose has fully healed. This could take a few weeks to a few months, depending on the extent of the rejection and the healing process.
  2. Identify the Cause: Determine why the initial piercing was rejected. Was it due to the jewelry, placement, or an infection? Understanding the cause is crucial for a successful re-piercing.
  3. Consult with Your Piercer: Discuss the issues with your piercer. They might recommend different jewelry, a new placement, or additional aftercare tips to avoid a repeat of the previous problems.
  4. Consider Alternatives: If your nose doesn’t seem to tolerate septum piercings well, explore other piercing options. There are many other stylish and unique piercings to consider.


Dealing with a rejecting septum piercing can be frustrating, but knowing the signs, taking timely action, and following preventive measures can help you manage the situation effectively. Remember that your health and well-being are the top priorities. By consulting with a professional and adhering to proper care practices, you can ensure that your next septum piercing—or any other piercing—becomes a successful and stylish addition to your look. Stay informed, stay trendy, and take good care of your body’s adornments!

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