What is the Medical Release Form For Personal Injury?

When you are seeking a personal injury claim, the insurance agency will ask you to sign a medical release form to understand the cause of your injury. 

However this may not sound a big deal for you, but you can lose your compensation if you do not carefully take this step. It is advisable to have a good Crystal personal injury lawyer by your side who can assist you and also let you know the tips, importance, and other details about a medical release form. This will help you harm your claim in any way!

Use Of Medical Release Form In Personal Injury Cases

  1. Determine pre-existing injuries

Signing a medical release form allows the defense attorney to dig into your medical history to find details of prior health conditions. This helps the insurance company to connect your pre-existing health condition with your accident and prove you are fraudulent. Insurance agencies sometimes lessen your claim by claiming a portion of your injury caused by accident to provide you half insurance.

  1. Get authority over the medical records

With the help of a medical release form, the insurance agency gets complete authority over your medical records and bills. This way, the agency will know the details of the doctor’s notes and money spent on your medical bills. So, any health recommendations provided by your doctor can be reviewed by the insurance agency to know the depth of your injury and lessen the claim.

  1. Invade in your privacy 

The insurance agency will also get your medical information related to your accident, including your private health information related to past or present. Moreover, signing a medical release form allows multiple people with medical release forms to dig into your health history at any time without your consent.

Is It Necessary To Sign a Medical Release Form?

When you fight for your injury claim, the insurance agency will make it look like signing a medical release form is compulsory; however, it is not. 

You should avoid signing a medical release form to keep your accident evidence away from the defense attorney, who will try to lessen your claim. However, if the insurance agency genuinely requires your accident information, then you can consult with your attorney before signing the form.

So, your attorney will ask you to provide the medical records and bills and refuse the request for a medical release form to prevent the insurance company from speaking directly to your healthcare provider.

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