chelcie lynn husband

Chelsie Lynn Husband, Biography, Age, Height, Life Style, Career, And More


Chelcie Lynn has genuinely soar to fame because of her sharp utilization of virtual entertainment stages. As a jokester and entertainer, she’s cut out a specialty for herself, catching hearts and interesting bones the same with her irresistible humor and vital characters. Quite possibly of her most adored persona, Low class Tammy, has become notable in the diversion domain.

Beginning on the web, Chelcie burned through no time in exhibiting her comedic chops, attracting a huge following with her hilarious representations and engaging substance. Fans immediately locked onto her exceptional style, impelling her to web acclaim.

However, Chelcie’s gifts don’t stop at parody; she’s impressed be a flexible performer, plunging her toes into different types of media past the computerized circle. Her process fills in as a brilliant illustration of how virtual entertainment can send off vocations as well as shape them in phenomenal ways. With her capacity to produce real associations with her crowd, Chelcie Lynn has hardened her status as a cherished figure in the diversion scene.

Who Is Chelcie Lynn?

Chelcie Lynn is a genuine American ability, known for her champion exhibitions in hit films like “Tangerine,” “Cruel,” and “Mentor Von Pidgeon.” However it was her comedic brightness on Plant, particularly through her personality Low class Tammy, that truly placed her at the center of attention.

With regards to her own life, Chelcie’s story is similarly as enamoring. She imparts a merry union with Greg Melton, and in 2022, they praised a great 12 years together. In spite of her bustling timetable, Chelcie and Greg focus on their relationship, treasuring each second they have. While they haven’t extended their family with kids, their two shaggy companions fill their home with bliss and love.

With respect to Chelcie’s abundance, while the specific numbers aren’t public, it’s reasonable she’s procured her prosperity through difficult work and ability. Her flourishing vocation in diversion, combined with major areas of strength for her via virtual entertainment, without a doubt adds to her monetary success.

In rundown, Chelcie Lynn is a momentous person who has cut out her own space in media outlets through her mind and humor. Her own life is overflowing with warmth and fondness, and she stays a valued figure to her armies of fans.

Who Is Chelcie Lynn Husband?

Chelcie Lynn’s romantic tale with her significant other, Greg Melton, is something to really remember. They previously ran into each other back in 2005, during the beginning of Facebook when it was generally for undergrads. Greg, a school football player from a school two or three hours from Chelcie’s, grabbed her attention when he sprung up in her companion ideas.

It was Greg’s profile picture in his football uniform that promptly grabbed Chelcie’s eye, igniting her advantage. She burned through no time and sent him a companion demand, which Greg cheerfully acknowledged. Their most memorable trades were through Facebook messages, with Greg starting things off with a messy conversation starter about Chelcie’s eyes.

From that point, their association bloomed normally as they talked about absolutely everything – from shared interests to school undertakings and family stories. Following quite a while of getting to know one another through messages and periodic visits, Chelcie and Greg took the jump and made their relationship official in May 2010. Their wedding was a wonderful undertaking, set apart by straightforwardness and encompassed by their friends and family.

From that point forward, Chelcie and Greg have been indivisible, exploring life’s highs and lows connected at the hip. In 2022, they blissfully commended their twelfth wedding commemoration, a demonstration of the strength of their bond. Their common love for creatures has additionally advanced their lives, with two fuzzy mates giving additional glow and pleasure to their home.

How Chelcie Lynn And Greg Melton Meet?

Chelcie Lynn and Greg Melton’s romantic tale is a cutting edge sentiment that started in the computerized universe of Facebook way back in 2005. Newly 18 and charmed by Greg’s profile picture in his football gear, Chelcie went all in and sent him a companion demand. Fortunate for her, Greg, who was going to a school several hours away at that point, readily acknowledged, starting off their excursion together.

Their romantic tale unfurled through a progression of sincere messages traded on Facebook. Greg’s most memorable message, where he couldn’t resist the opportunity to communicate his deference for Chelcie’s eyes, evoked an emotional response from her. From that point, their association extended with each trade, in spite of the actual distance between them.

In spite of the miles isolating them, Chelcie and Greg’s bond just developed further after some time. Their relationship turned into a delightful mix of adoration, chuckling, and shared dreams, demonstrating that occasionally, the computerized domain can prompt the most sincere associations.

Who Is Chelcie Lynn Married To?

Chelcie Lynn and Greg Melton share a wonderful and satisfying marriage, set apart by major areas of strength for a blissful bond. Greg frequently joins Chelcie in her YouTube recordings, assuming the job of Darryl, adding an additional layer of enjoyable to their coordinated efforts. Their process together formally started on July 14, 2009, when they traded promises, denoting the start of an extraordinary experience together.

While Chelcie normally keeps the subtleties of their wedded life private, she sometimes gives her fans looks into their romantic tale through her web-based content. On their 10th commemoration in 2018, Chelcie took to Instagram to openly offer her pride and thanks for having Greg as her significant other. In her sincere post, she commends Greg for his mindful and steady nature, featuring the profound bond they share.

In spite of their inclination for security, Chelcie’s warmth and esteem for Greg radiate through in her virtual entertainment refreshes, exhibiting the profundity of their association. Their relationship fills in as a wonderful illustration of affection and friendship, treasured by the people who follow their excursion on the web.

Chelcie Lynn Biography

Chelcie Lynn is a relentless power in the diversion world, brought into the world on August 9, 1987, in Oklahoma, USA. With her irresistible humor and spellbinding presence, she’s really established herself both on and off the stage.

Growing up, Chelcie tracked down strength and comfort in the enduring help of her affectionate family, particularly her sisters Beth and Maggie. In spite of confronting difficulties like her folks’ battles with fixation, their bond furnished her with the validness and heart that radiate through her work.

Chelcie’s comedic venture took off far and wide, energized by her normal ability and the adoration for her loved ones. It wasn’t well before she hit the jackpot, acquainting the world with her famous person, Low class Tammy, through stages like Plant. With her capacity to interface with crowds on a profound level, Chelcie immediately rose to popularity, ruling YouTube and Instagram with her clever outlines and practical appeal.

In any case, Chelcie’s gifts reach out a long ways past the computerized domain. In 2021, she left on her zapping U.S. visit, The Tammy Visit, where fans were blessed to receive her irresistible enthusiasm and loud jokes live in front of an audience. Notwithstanding confronting monetary impediments that kept her from seeking after advanced education, Chelcie’s assurance and imagination pushed her to the highest point of media outlets.

Today, Chelcie Lynn remains as a signal of persistence and resourcefulness, with an expected total assets of around $1 million starting around 2024. Through her dress line, YouTube channel, and rewarding organizations, she proceeds to please and rouse crowds around the world, demonstrating that with energy and assurance, the sky is the limit.

Chelsie Lynn  Wiki

Full/Real NameChelcie Lynn
Nick/Popular NameChelcie
Birth DateAugust 9, 1987
BirthplaceOklahoma, USA
Age (As of 2023)36 years old
Zodiac SignLeo
Sexual OrientationStraight
ParentsUpdate Soon
SiblingsSisters: Beth Franks and Maggie
Marital StatusSingle
SpouseGreg Melton
Flower SignGladiolus & Poppy
Tree SignHolly
Famous ForAs an Internet personality and actress
ProfessionSocial media personality, actress, comedian

Chelcie Lynn Education

After secondary school, Chelcie Lynn ended up at an intersection because of monetary limitations that caused seeking after additional instruction to appear to be far off. Rather than following the conventional way of school, she accepted a position at a biomedical designing organization in San Diego, functioning as an analyzer.

In any case, her time in the corporate world was brief. Only fourteen days into her new position, Chelcie settled on a striking choice to seek after her enthusiasm for parody. It was a vital second that set before her the way towards media outlets.

In spite of not having a proper professional education, Chelcie’s ability, assurance, and persistent hard working attitude pushed her to progress. Her process fills in as a strong update that achievement frequently takes startling courses, and following one’s energy can prompt unprecedented accomplishments.

Chelcie Lynn’s Age, And Early Years

Chelcie Lynn’s life is a strong blend of versatility, humor, and the obligations of family. Brought into the world on August 9, 1987, in Oklahoma, she later wound up in San Diego, California, where her grandma assumed a urgent part in raising her. Growing up was difficult for Chelcie, with both her folks doing combating habit. Her mom’s capture for drug ownership and resulting passing from cervical malignant growth while in jail, alongside her dad’s process through recovery and remarriage, illustrated early difficulty for Chelcie.

However, in the midst of the difficulties, Chelcie found strength and comfort inside her family, especially her sisters, Beth and Maggie, who frequently join her in her comedic capers. Their very close bond adds a layer of profundity and legitimacy to Chelcie’s work, reverberating profoundly with her crowd on an individual level. It’s her capacity to find humor in life’s hardest minutes and her engaging nature that has charmed her to endless fans, making her a dearest figure in the diversion scene.

Chelcie Lynn’s process remains as a demonstration of the force of versatility and the significance of family support. Through her comedic narrating, she made progress as well as shaped associations with other people who might be confronting comparative battles. Her story fills in as a motivation, reminding us generally that sincerely and an uplifting perspective, we can conquer even the most overwhelming of difficulties.

Chelcie Lynn Height, Weight

Chelcie Lynn remains at a level of 5 feet 6 inches (168 centimeters) and keeps a load of 143 pounds (65 kilograms). What genuinely gets the attention, however, are her staggering blue eyes that impeccably supplement her blondie locks, adding to her particular and essential appearance.

With body estimations of 40-28-42 inches and a bigger body type, Chelcie has a remarkable and dazzling presence that separates her. These actual qualities add to her appeal as well as improve her allure as both a virtual entertainment character and comic.

When joined with her comedic gifts and drawing in character, Chelcie’s appearance adds an additional layer of charm, attracting crowds and making her a darling and extraordinary figure in the diversion world.

Height5’6″ (168cm)
Weight143lbs (65kg)
Eye colorBlue
Hair colorBlonde
Body Measurements40-28-42 inches
Body TypeLarge

Chelcie Lynn Nationality, Religion & Ethnicity

Chelcie Lynn gladly embraces her American character, feeling a profound association with her country that reverberates in her work and individual life. Her Christian confidence holds huge significance for her, molding her perspective and giving an establishment to her convictions and values. As a comic, Chelcie won’t hesitate to inject her humor with components of her confidence, adding a remarkable flavor to her comedic content.

With regards to her nationality, Chelcie is delegated white, mirroring her genealogical foundation. In any case, she’s definitely something other than marks and orders. Chelcie’s personality is a rich embroidery woven from her identity, religion, nationality, and a huge number of different impacts. Every viewpoint adds to her identity as an individual and as a humorist, forming her points of view and illuminating her comedic style.

Chelcie’s character mirrors the different embroidery of American culture, with her American identity, Christian confidence, and white nationality all having an impact in molding her extraordinary persona. As a humorist, she utilizes her experience and encounters to interface with crowds, offering them a brief look into her reality while testing generalizations and misguided judgments en route.

Chelcie Lynn Career

In the diversion world, Chelcie Lynn is a genuine handyman, famous for her comedic brightness, acting chops, and dominance of virtual entertainment. Her excursion into parody started very early in life when she found her skill for making individuals chuckle. In 2013, she started off her comedic undertakings on Plant, where she acquainted the world with her darling person, Low class Tammy.

Because of her irresistible looks and enamoring voice, Chelcie immediately amassed an enormous following on Plant, flaunting a noteworthy 240,000 supporters before the stage shut its entryways. Nonetheless, she didn’t allow that mishap to hinder her. In 2015, she flawlessly changed to YouTube and Instagram, expanding her crowd and keeping her fans engaged with her comical dramas and recordings.

Be that as it may, Chelcie’s gifts aren’t restricted to the computerized domain. In 2021, she took her show out and about with The Tammy Visit, bringing her brand name mind and endless energy to crowds across the US. Whether she’s telling wisecracks in front of an audience or carrying giggling to screens of all shapes and sizes, Chelcie Lynn’s unfaltering commitment to her art and her natural capacity to interface with her crowd have solidly settled her as a comedic force to be reckoned with in media outlets.

Chelcie Lynn  Net Worth

Chelcie Lynn’s great total assets of $1 million of every 2024 stands as a demonstration of her extraordinary excursion from entertainer to web-based entertainment sensation. Everything began with her YouTube station, where her faultless comedic timing immediately gathered a faithful following.

Transforming her energy into a rewarding undertaking, Chelcie keenly adapted her substance through organizations and promoting income. In any case, her enterprising soul didn’t stop there. She wandered into the design business with her own attire line, included on her Eat My Waste site.

This helped her monetary remaining as well as displayed her imagination and business canny. Furthermore, Chelcie expands her income through supported posts on Instagram, utilizing her huge internet based presence to get worthwhile arrangements.

By and large, Chelcie Lynn’s abundance is a demonstration of her unfaltering hard working attitude, regular ability, and sharp eye for an open door. She has cut out a fruitful vocation in media outlets through her commitment to her specialty, and her monetary accomplishments highlight her constant quest for progress.

Chelcie Lynn Social Media Handle

Instagram1.1 millionClick Here
YouTube1.26 millionClick Here
Facebook4.2 millionClick Here
TikTok3.3 millionClick Here

Chelcie Lynn, the American humorist and virtual entertainment character, has genuinely left an imprint across different stages. With 1.1 million supporters on Instagram, she keeps her fans engaged with silly recordings that never neglect to carry a grin to their countenances. Over on YouTube, Chelcie has collected a great 1.26 million endorsers, displaying her comedic ability to a wide crowd excited for additional giggles.

Be that as it may, it doesn’t stop there. On Facebook, Chelcie flaunts an incredible 4.2 million fans, a demonstration of her far reaching ubiquity and the affection she gets from her supporters. Furthermore, we should not fail to remember TikTok, where she’s checked and has a given following of 3.3 million fans who enthusiastically consume her silly substance.

Beginning her comedic venture on Plant, Chelcie immediately rose to distinction on account of her irrefutable ability and sharp mind. From that point forward, she’s kept on charming crowds with her recordings, acquiring praise and love from fans from one side of the planet to the other.


  • Birth and Early Life: Chelcie Lynn was brought into the world on August 9, 1987, in Oklahoma, USA. She later moved to San Diego, California, where she was raised by her grandma in the midst of provoking conditions because of her folks’ battles with habit.
  • Ascend to Distinction: Chelcie acquired conspicuousness through her comedic ability displayed on stages like Plant, where she presented her notorious person, Low class Tammy. Her capacity to interface with crowds immediately procured her a significant following, prompting proceeded with progress on YouTube and Instagram.
  • Diverse Profession: Aside from her internet based presence, Chelcie has additionally wandered into live exhibitions, enchanting crowds with her irresistible enthusiasm and silly shenanigans. Her flexibility as a humorist, entertainer, and web-based entertainment character has hardened her status as a comedic force in media outlets.
  • Individual Life: Chelcie is joyfully hitched to Greg Melton, with whom she commended their twelfth wedding commemoration in 2022. They share a profound and tender bond, frequently featured in Chelcie’s online entertainment posts. The couple partakes in the organization of their two canines, adding to the glow of their family.
  • Total assets: Chelcie Lynn’s total assets is assessed to be around $1 million starting around 2024. Her monetary achievement mirrors her innovative soul and commitment to her art, as confirmed by her different undertakings, including her YouTube channel, clothing line, and supported organizations.


Chelcie Lynn’s excursion to fame is a demonstration of her flexibility, imagination, and relentless assurance. Regardless of confronting difficulties in her childhood, she found comfort in her family and found her comedic ability early in life. Through her famous person Low class Tammy, Chelcie caught the hearts of crowds overall and hardened her situation as a comedic force to be reckoned with in media outlets. Past her internet based presence, she has effectively changed into live exhibitions, further displaying her flexibility and appeal. Her own life is loaded up with adoration and friendship, as confirmed by serious areas of strength for her with her better half, Greg Melton. With her pioneering soul and flourishing vocation, Chelcie proceeds to move and engage crowds with her interesting mix of humor and genuineness.


When was Chelcie Lynn conceived?

Chelcie Lynn was brought into the world on August 9, 1987, in Oklahoma, USA.

What is Chelcie Lynn’s total assets?

Chelcie Lynn’s total assets is assessed to be around $1 million starting around 2024.

Who is Chelcie Lynn hitched to?

Chelcie Lynn is cheerfully hitched to Greg Melton, with whom she commended their twelfth wedding commemoration in 2022.

What is Chelcie Lynn’s notable person?

Chelcie Lynn’s notorious person is Low class Tammy, which she presented on stages like Plant and later proceeded to exhibit on YouTube and Instagram.

What compels Chelcie Lynn hang out in media outlets?

Chelcie Lynn’s capacity to associate with her crowd through her humor and legitimacy separates her in media outlets. Her flexible ability as a humorist, entertainer, and virtual entertainment character has collected her far and wide recognition and reverence from fans around the world.

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